Monday, January 5, 2015

Marquee Love by Heidi Swapp

I am totally loving Marquee Love by the ever fabulous Heidi Swapp. My Michaels finally got them in, so of course I had to purchase one to play with. My manager asked me to do a class on them, so of course my excitement took control. I was going to buy my initial A, but when I saw the star so many ideas rushed around my head.
First I thought oh glitter would be amazing on this! Gold, blue, white, silver or red?! We were out of stock on gold and didn't get any of the Marquee love glitter or tapes yet, so I purchased the ArtMinds extra fine glitter in Crystal Diamond and Aquamarine. I had a Recollections Extra fine glitter set at home that has 30 different colors, so I figured I'd use the Gold from that.
I originally planned to glitter the outside gold, the inner edge crystal and the paper blue. Of course that changed immediately when I realized I might not have enough gold in that little tube. No way would I have to wait to finish this project! So the outside would be blue (aquamarine), inner edge still crystal and the paper template would be gold. Yay! I figured it out!
I got to work Mod Podge and foam brush in hand and glitter everywhere! I pulled out my heat gun to help secure the glitter and thought "Oh! That Spiderman paper would probably look awesome on here!"
It did! It took awhile to line up the template so you can see Spidey's face multiple times, but I got it!

Oh and my little guy loves it!